Time and Money – Save both with a Prenup!
You may think Pre-nuptial agreements, better known as “prenups,” are just a way for rich people to protect their money, but in reality they are something all married couples should consider; especially after weighing the costs, time involved, and the growing rate for divorce. Beyond being known as a tool only for the rich, prenups can have a negative connotation with many asking why you need one if you truly love someone. Well unfortunately marriage is not always forever, and no one ever goes into a marriage expecting a divorce. Creating a fair agreement between spouses about how things are handled in the unexpected event of a divorce saves you time and, in turn, money. Moreover, you are spared much of the stress and unknown that many are faced with and are prepared to move forward with your life more smoothly.
In order for a prenup to be valid, both spouses must fully disclose the extent of their finances, both assets and liabilities. Putting all these cards on the table is an important healthy exercise for couples to go through, especially directly before getting married. Once both spouses are aware of the assets and liabilities of the other, they can agree on what they believe is a “fair split”.
A new trend that is growing in popularity is to come to Post-Nuptial agreements, which are agreements made while you are already married. Once frowned upon and invalidated by the courts, these agreements are now allowed so long as specific guidelines are followed. Today, “postnups” are valid in Massachusetts so long as both spouses are given an opportunity to seek separate counsel, fully disclose their assets and liabilities, and the agreement is “fair and reasonable.”
Beyond separating assets, we help you agree on Child Custody, Child Support, and whether Alimony is something you feel is necessary or not. Coming to these agreements in advance makes an inherently difficult situation considerably easier and less stressful. There is no such thing as a stress free divorce but, by creating a prenup or postnup, you can minimize your stress and maximize your assets. Call the Levine Law Group today and let us help you avoid potentially unnecessary future stress!